Sunday, October 21, 2007

glory in Christ Jesus alone

“then let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” – hebrews 4:16

so it has been quite a while since i have posted. i realize this. but on the same token, it is not like i have avid readers to worry about. it will be more of regular occurance though. i am quite excited about it too! so, without futher ado, let us get started.

much has happened since i last spoke. the Lord my God has blessed me beyond measure. i could not be more thrilled. sure, trials and tribulations occured, but they have only refined me by fire and set my eyes ever on my Redeemer and His glory.

i have: moved out of a living situation, into a place with two girls i did not know
: gone to atlanta and burmingham
: had my father find a new job
: received an iphone from awesome godparents
: resigned from one church position, just to have God place me in another
: pledged an amazing Christian sorority, detla alpha chi
: become friends with some of the most incredible women of the Lord
: gone line dancing til 2 in the morning
: seen the Spirit of God move among college students in the Worship of Him
: done fairly well in my studies
: lost 18 pounds
: grown so deeply and madly in love with Jesus Christ
: had God pour out His wisdom, love, goodness, mercy, and grace all over me
: finally grapsed the concept of faith
: understood and excercised the concept of forgiveness of others
: immersed myself in Jesus and realized that is all that i need

the Lord has been so good to me even though i have never ever done anything to deserve it. God has revealed so much to me, and yet, i can't wait to learn even more. i am such a temprel being, but for the past few days, i have wanted to praise the Lord Jesus Christ FOREVER! He has such love and mercy for us. please never forget that. He is such an incredible, loving, holy, righteous, soverign, good, wise, strong, self-sufficent, merciful, compassionate, consistant, never-changing, providing, patient, and faithful God. how could i EVER want more? i have the King of the universe as my Abba Father, my Daddy!

i hope to share with you in the upcoming days, weeks, months, and years my walk with my sweet, sweet Lord. like i said in my first post, this is me working out my salvation on my knees in total surrender to my glorious God. "if it pleases You Lord, it pleases me." i hope to reveal to you what my mighty God has revealed to me so that you may draw closer to Him.

know that He is righteous, just, strong, loving, and faithful. dwell on the attributes of God and find strength in Him because of His never-changing charateristics! Jesus commands our destiny. how can we lose in life?

"through Jesus, therefore let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess His name." - hebrews 13:15

in & for Him,