Monday, October 19, 2009

love's a crazy thing

so - this semester my accountability group decided to read through "crazy love" by francis chan. sweet. i'm absolutely stoked! i've heard nothing but good things about the book. most importantly, i've heard it shakes up who you are and challenges your beliefs, thoughts and convictions. bring it on.

i am going to try and capture a synopsis with some of my own measly commentary each week. i have some catching up to do - so bear with me. but, i have a feeling that it's gonna be good!

[chapter one: stop praying]

francis challenges us to stop talking at God and realize just who He is. "the wise man comes to God without saying a wor dand stands in awe of Him." when was the last time you stood in silence before the Holy God that we serve? let this video from francis put you there!

our God is unfathomably big. who are we compared to that... really?

"mean are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God." - r. c. sproul

God is HUGE and creted the univrse, but He is beound detailed-oriented & created the other side of creation. we don't often realize that God din't have to create such diversity, but He did. "whatever the reasons for such diversity, creativity and sophistication in creation - the point of it all is His glory. God's art speaks of Himself reflecting who He is and what He is like." - page 28

everything echoes that God is glorious. there is no other like Him. He IS the King of Kings, the Beginning and the End, the One who was and is and is to come. know that God will not be tolerated: He instructs us to worship and fear Him.

as humans, we are all guilty of spiritual amnesia - that is - we forget Him, His glories and His majesty. reality testifies that living out our fear and love of God is so difficult. "when we love God because we feel we should love Him, instead of genuinely loving out of our true selves, we have forgotten who God really is." - page 30

to combat spiritual amnesia, we have to intentionally and consistently remind ourselves of Him. we must remember that we already have everything we need in Him. and we are to fear Him for who He is. A.W. Tozer writes that "the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives god to be like."

francis reminds us of what God really is:
God is holy: we don't get to decide who God is. our words can't contain Him. we can never fathom Him. He is perfect and set apart from us.
God is eternal: He's always been there and always will be there. we can't grasp this concept because of our perception of time. scripture reminds us - "but You remain the same and Your years will never end." - psalm 102:27
God is all-knowing: He knows everything about us before we even do. nothing surprises Him. God's knowledge of us should lead us to worship like david did in psalm 129. most importantly, He doesn't have to know us so well... He chooses to.
God is all-powerful: so often we live as though God is created for us and our needs. reality check - he's not obligated to fulfill our "needs". we must wake up and realize that He is GOD! it's our own arrogance if we think God owes us explanations.
God is fair & just: He sets the standards. period. "to put it bluntly, when you get your own universe, you can make your own standards." - page 34. God is holy. therefore, He hates sin. He is just and far for punishing sin.

ultimately, many facets of God are beyond our comprehension. scriptures shows us pictures of the very throne room of God in revelation 4 and isaiah 6. but, these are mere glimpses of Him. our God radiates like jewels on the throne more than flesh and blood. and isaiah reminds us of what our response should be - "woe is me! a people of unclean lips!"

what do we ultimately take away from all of this? His tremendous worth dwarfs our puny existence and causes us to stand in silent awe of Him.

thanks francis. praise God. can't wait to learn more.

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Sunday, October 18, 2009

what's the big deal... it's just a bible.

"the law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple." - psalm 19:7
don't you love the days when the Lord shows you something through the eyes of a child? it doesn't get much better than that kind of honesty & innocence. i'm so thankful for the Lord's way of reminding me of the necessity for a child-like faith!

at church this morning, rhonda smith - our children's minister - gave each of our first graders their first bible. we always have this ceremony each fall for our new "firsties"! but, something special hit me this morning.

as i was watching the eight or nine kids sitting around ms. rhonda, i noticed how intently most of them were listening to the words she was sharing. she showed them her old bibles from when she was a child. she explained just how precious the Word of God is to her and all of us as Christians. she explained how their bibles should come to look like they were worn in and well-read.

after she finished, she passed each one their own bible. if only you could have seen their big, round eyes as they took the big bible into their little hands. one little girl particularly caught my eye. she had been eagerly eyeing the bibles as they sat in their stacks until rhonda passed them out. when she took hold of hers, she opened it with such eagerness to look at the pages. it was if she knew what great secrets lie within those pages. you could see just that she held bible with such care - like she was completely comprehending the preciousness of the Word of God.

the newness of the gift was overwhelming for her. she didn't know whether to flip rapidly through the pages or just hold it reverently. shouldn't it be like that each time we hold God's Word?

as we get older, we lose the preciousness of things in life. what used to make the entire day a hit or a bust is now all relevant to us. we take it in stride and move on. but as Christians, we need to allow things to put us in awe. we need to allow the things of God to stop us in our tracks because we don't know how to respond - except with pure and holy worship for the Lord our God.

opening our bible - the very Word of the Living God - should move us to worship, to eagerly devour all that is within or to just hold it reverently and thank the Lord that He has given us such a perfect and life-breathing gift!

that little girl was so very proud that she had her very own bible. she held it with such tender caring know that Jesus loved her because her bible told her so! she had a determined obedience set upon her face - an obedience to please her God.

how proud are you of the bible that you hold? when was the last time you opened it with the understanding and realization that you were holding the very words of the Living God?

so what's the big deal? it's a bible!
"how sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." - psalm 119:103,105
my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

words, words & more words

words, words & words. that's what my profession & major is about. communication is key in the world of PR (public relations for those of you who don't know). but, let's be honest - communication is key everywhere. all the time. end of story.

words record our life, express our emotion, entertain us, hurt us and tell the Truth. just think of how many words you come across each and every day. thousands upon thousand of words cross your line of sight or enter your ear to send some sort of message. but, what does that message really mean in the long run?

do you really want to buy another 89 cent taco at taco bell? do you care about the discounted auto at Cars USA? are you going to absorb every detail about health care reform? did you catch every phrase from the most recent episode of Lost? no, in reality, you probably didn't. it's just a fact. but, does it really matter?

jimmy needham is one of my favorite artist. if you haven't listened to him, then you should get on it. go to the iTunes store and buy some of his music - you won't regret it. but, in his one song, "come around", jimmy has this great line -- "passionate words & beautiful phrases: they don't mean much if i don't have Jesus in it."

and there lies the real Truth. you can say or read or hear all the words in the world, but when you look back at them, it amounts to nothing. it doesn't matter how eloquent you can communicate. it doesn't matter if you can stand on your head and deliver a speech. those passionate words & beautiful phrases don't mean anything if you don't have Jesus in them.

so, it's my new motto. as a PR student and soon-to-be professional, i write words and communicate all the time. but when it all boils down, none of matters if He isn't in the center of it.

"the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are Life." - john 6:63b

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

the Rock that is higher than i

"From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." - Psalm 61:2
Mountains and valley surround us - spiritually, emotionally, physically and literally. THey are a constant presence within our loves. Many times we fight the changes in altitude. We struggle against the terrain. We try and find a shortcut around them, only to have to turn back and begin again.

As humans, we want an easy life. A wide, smooth & flat road would seem to suit us well. It's easy. It's predictable. There is no doubt, no questions, not need to lift a finger, no need to consult a map or pay much attention. But are we happy with that? Would that truly satisfy you?
Of course not! There is no life, no excitement, no challenge, no sense of accomplishment. we live for thrills and memories. We live for life and vibrance. We can't find that on the easy road.

This summer, I took a drive. At the suggestion of a close friend, I headed to the top of a nearby mountain in North Carolina. Not knowing what I would find, I headed in the general direction. Reaching the base of the mountain, I began the climb (by car, of course...). A the bas, it was dark. The sky was hidden because of a canopy of trees. The road was steep and filled with twists and turns. No real sense of direction was to be found, except up. I only knew that I was climbing higher and higher. I had to trust that the road would lead me to the top.

Once I reached the parking lot, I got out and again followed another path. This time it was much less traveled and somewhat hidden. But then, all of the sudden, I stepped out onto a huge rock and looked out. My breath was stolen away by God's great creation reaching into the endless horizon. What a view! What a God!!
And then I looked below my feet - a rock. A huge, solid and unmovable rock held me safely so that I could stand and take in God's majesty. It wasn't going anywhere, yet I was everywhere.
Isn't that just like our walk with Christ? When we are at the bottom of the mountain, we can't see anything. It's dark and daunting. All we know to do is to start walking up toward Him. The path to the mountain top is always crazy. It's full of trials and setback. Doors are shut, then opened and then shut again. Switchbacks are everywhere. But then the trees begin to thin. The sun - or should I say Son - begins to shine through everything. The path levels off. We step out of the trials and tribulations and look out. In front of us lies God's majesty. The big picture that we have been searching for unfolds in front of our eyes. We see how beautiful the valley is because of the great growth that occurred. We praise God for creating and molding that growth in us through the long climb to the top.
And then we look below our feet. We see the great and mighty Rock that has been holding us strong the entire time. We see our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. We see how He has been our firm foundation that allows us to stand on the mountaintop and declare God's goodness and faithfulness.

He is always the Rock that is higher than I.

"I love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my Rock, my Fortress and my Deliverer; my God is my Rock, in whom I take my refuge." - Psalm 18:1-2
my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

so long, farewell... but can i have your prayers?

my dear friends & family in Christ Jesus,

I would like to petition you for prayer for me for the next nine weeks. Beginning May 30th, I will be a counselor at an international Christian sports camp called the Vineyard. The camp hosts over 300 people including staff & campers. What makes it unique is that over half of the staff & campers come from many nations all over the world. The souls that set foot on the property located in the North Carolina mountains come from many backgrounds, races, cultures and spiritual environments, many of these being incredibly dark and lost without the Savior.

My prayer is to see our God Almighty move in an incredible way through me and through others as we spend time serving our Lord and others. I want, as Paul says in Ephesians 6:19-20, for whenever I open my mouth, words to be given to me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

I ask that you would pray for our director, Dean Barley, our staff and our campers. Please Pray for safety throughout all of the fun, crazy and highly physical sports & activities that happen each day . Pray for the softening & turning of hearts so that God's Spirit can transforms lives. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be able to flow freely and that His Word would pierce each heart and speak to all who hear. Pray against Satan's attacks and evil plans and the spiritual warfare that clouds our vision and focus on Christ. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Eph. 6:12. Lastly, pray that at least one soul may come to know our Savior in an intimate, saving & transforming relationship.

I know our God can do the impossible - He's already told us that. Now, I live to see the impossible happen. God will do magnificent and miraculous things at this camp. Pray that I will be humbled, filled with compassion, overflowing with love, led by the Holy Spirit and act in the confidence which is Christ Jesus.
"Though I am free & belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible things I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings."
- 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Thank you so very much for your prayers - they are coveted so much!
In all my prayers for all of you, I will always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel. Can't wait to see all of you and tell you of the mighty things our God has done! I love you all so very much!

my love to you in Christ Jesus,
Ashleigh Lin Grant

The Vineyard Camp: About Us

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

once upon a time

let me share with you something that i learned recently. here it comes:

everyone has a story.

that's right, everyone has their own story. and everyday, each person writes another line, another page and another chapter of their story.

now, why in the world is this important, especially as christians? here's my application. but, give me just a minute to put it into perspective.

on april 24th, i got into a serious car accident. by the grace and mercy of God, i walked out with bruised knees and a sore back. the other gentleman came out with a cut on his arm and a bit sore too. to be quite frank, the officers were surprised that one of us wasn't dead, or at least seriously injured. so, as the next few days progressed, i almost expected everyone i ran into to understand that i had been in a traumatic event. but, of course, they didn't know.

this got me to thinking. how many people are walking around me everyday going through unspeakable things. from divorces and family losses to job issues and money problems. the list is endless, especially for non-believers. but yet we get consumed with our lives - with our walks - and we forget.

we forget that people are out there struggling just as much if not more than us. we forget that the reason that a person cuts us off in traffic is because they just got a call that a loved one has been rushed to the hospital. we forget that the harsh words of a stranger are fueled by years weathering rough abuse and alcoholism. and most importantly, we forget to act in the love and grace of Christ Jesus that is more than abundant for each person we come in contact with each day.

so i encourage you - remember that people can be going through the unthinkable. so be the one person in their day that show love and is true and genuine. this world has enough fake and self-absorbed people. look through your Father's eyes and see His children in their entirety.

and remember too, their story is perfect according to the Author of everyone's story. and He knows the end. and He knows the role He wants you to play in their story, and what role they will play in yours. don't miss the chance to change someone's story for the better... it could be the difference between them seeing happily ever after or missing it completely.

"My command is this: love each other as I have loved you. greater love has no one than this, that he lay his life down for his friends." - john 15:13-14

"i have become all things to all people so that by all possible means i might save some." - 1 corinthians 9:22

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

weather the walk

"God's voice thunders in marvelous ways;
He does great things beyond our understanding.
He says to the snow, 'fall on the earth,'
and to the rain shower, 'be a mighty downpour.'
so that all men He has made may know His work,
He stops every man from his labor."
- job 37:5-7
for the last week or so in tallahassee, we have had some extreme weather. from monsooning rain to glorious blue skies to unexpected cold snaps - we've pretty much had it. not too sure why, but it has come nevertheless.

isn't that how our walk with God is? we go through it all. whether the changes in the wind are constant and daily or drawn out over years, we must weather the changes.

there are days that it pours rain spiritually. i am wet, tired and depressed during those times. yet, at the end of the rainy spell - a glorious sun comes out to warm the earth. the same thing happens in my walk with God. at the end of my rainy spells - a glorious SON comes out and warms my life and fosters growth with the supplication that came from the rain.

some days we're hot and on fire (just like 95 degree weather here in florida). but other days, it's like an overnight freeze. still, our Father is still in control. at the end of the day, at the end of the season - His Son comes out.

job tells us in chapter 37 that God controls and commands the weather we see effect this earth. if our God controls the physical weather so that it allows growth and abundance, how much more will He control the weather in our lives?

our Father is the ultimate weatherman. He has the doppler radar - God edition. nothing sneaks up on Him, nothing surprises Him, nothing is out of His control.

throughout the rain, snow, clouds, cold and heat, our Father is constantly watching and growing us. if it weren't for the rain, we would never full appreciate the glorious warmth and life of the Son.
"praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are His.
He changes the times and seasons;
He sets up kings and deposes them.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
he reveals deep and hidden things;
He knows what lies in darkness,
and light dwells with Him."
- daniel 2:20-22
so weather the walk and know that the Son is never far away.

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

so much more

bebo norman says it best in my opinion:

"i want a crumb, but You are a feast
i want a song, but You are a symphony
i want a star, but You are a galaxy
and i have resolved that i'm much better in what You have for me."

it's from his song "the only hope."

isn't it true though? we walk around each day knowing what we want out of life. we think we have it figured out. from a good husband and kids, a stellar career, good friends, an impact in others lives - the list can go on. here the thing, these are all ideas that we can wrap our measly, small minds around.

our great and insurmountable God is sitting on His throne waiting to give us the world - if we just accept it. can we lay down our tiny dreams to take on His impossible and miraculous one?

paul tells us in ephesians chapter 1 that the power that resides within us is the same that raised Christ from the dead. yeah - the same power that smashed death is pulsing within your fragile body. whoa. so why shouldn't anything be possible? why can't we just let go?

to be honest, i'm sitting at the feet of Jesus asking that same question right now. what's more important - my dreams or His plans? when will i allow Him to transform my dreams into His plans?

all i know is this:
"'for My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways,'
declares the LORD.
'as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways
and My thoughts than your thoughts.'"
- isaiah 55:8-9
our God knows what's going on - it's up to us to let go and listen. stop asking for the crumbs and take in the feast. give up the song for the marvelous symphony. don't look for the star, be overwhelmed by the galaxy. what He has for us is so much better.

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Monday, March 16, 2009


wow. our God is so good. He is faithful and true. He is the Amen. He is who He is - the I AM. He is creator and savior, author and perfecter, just and forgiving.

God is love.

God is God, and I am not.

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the road less traveled

so i have figured out something. or maybe i have just finally listened.

i don't like having my way of doing things shaken up. i know that sounds stupid, but it's a problem i have.

i have my set schedule and a certain way of doing things. i like that. but in my heart, i want crazy, amazing things to happen in my relationship with Christ. but, at the same time, my stupid flesh wants its structure. i totally feel like paul in romans 7. (read it, you'll get what i'm saying)

i was driving home today from orange park to tallahassee. nice, typical 2 and 1/2 hour drive. so 30 minutes out of tallahassee, wham - dead stopped in traffic. for 1 and 1/2 hours. not fun at all. so i ended up going down highway 90 to get into town after sitting there so long. let's be honest, i didn't want to hit highway 90, but when i started heading down it, not only was it more clear, but it was gorgeous. between all of the blooming flowers and the old southern homes, it was a beautiful drive.

i know that God does this same thing to us. we're headed down our own typical, usual way. all of the sudden we hit a road block. after waiting on Him, He then leads us down a glorious path that delights our socks off - all because He loves us and wants the best for us. we just have to be willing to take that road - the road less traveled. and, we have to be patient and faithful to Him. (two things i'm not too good at.)

it's then that we find the true will, way and blessing of our Lord. so when you hit those road blocks, know this - He's gonna show you the right exit off of your highway of structures and schedules and on to the road less traveled - His road.
"enter through the narrow gate. for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and may enter through it. but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - matthew 7:13-14
don't miss it. be one of the few that find it.

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

you've got that lovin' feeling...

it all comes down to love. that's it.

who the heck do we think we are as Christians if we don't love one another? as Christ's last command to us, we are to love one another. that's how they are going to know we love Jesus. not by the music we listen to, not by the close we wear, not by the church we go to - but by the way we love each other.

it's unnatural to love like Jesus. it's against the core of human nature. that's how people will know we are for real. that's how we have the same attitude as Christ (philippians 2:5).

let do it folks. think about your actions for a second. put a little love into them - wait - put a lot of love into them. it's time to change things up.

"a new command I give you: love one another. as I have loved you, so you must love one another. by this all men will know that you are My disciples." - john 13:34-35

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

still i will follow

"though none go with me
still i will follow
no turning back,
no turning back."

old hymn, right? true words though.

it's a fact folks. you are going to go through hard times. no matter what things may seem, tomorrow always brings new surprises - both good and bad.

but, here is the one thing i consistently learn. regardless of what goes on around me, my God remains constant, steadfast and unwavering. no matter the circumstance, my God reigns. forever - yes, forever - His kingdom reigns. He continues to rule over the earth. His sun continues to shine on us. His Son continues to intercede for us. still i will follow.

through thick and thin, hard and easy, fun and grueling - whatever life brings, or to be frank, whatever satan attempts to throw at us - He IS in control. when i am tired, His joy is my strength. and most importantly, no one - no scheme of man or satan - can ever take away my salvation or snatch me out of my Father's hand. my soul, the essence of my being, is safe and sound, comforted and guided by the Holy Spirit and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. no turning back.

praise be to God.

"now therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands." - deuteronomy 7:9

He's faithful folks. His Word is true. never forget, never stop loving Him, never turn back. keep following even though none may go with you. don't turn back. God is with you.

still i will follow.

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Monday, March 9, 2009

time to step it up

hmm... blogging. so i have been thinking.

i know i am supposed to write. and of course, write for Jesus. but, here is the problem. i am not sure just how to do that.

so, while i was riding around my hometown today on spring break with the windows down and radio blaring, i decided that i should do this daily.

not really sure how, or even what is going to be said. but i do know this. it will be about Jesus, because, if anything, He is evident every single day. praise be to God.

so here goes nothing. woot! we'll start tomorrow and see what happens!

"wind blows wherever it pleases. you hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. so is it with everyone born of the Spirit." - john 3:8

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

some driscoll fun

Bible Study Magazine and Mars Hill are giving away 20 copies of Mark Driscoll’s new book, Vintage Church. Not only that, but they are also giving away five subscriptions to Bible Study Magazine and a copy of their Bible Study Library software! Enter to win on the Bible Study Magazine Mark Driscoll page, then take a look at all the cool tools they have to take your Bible study to the next level!