Tuesday, September 1, 2009

words, words & more words

words, words & words. that's what my profession & major is about. communication is key in the world of PR (public relations for those of you who don't know). but, let's be honest - communication is key everywhere. all the time. end of story.

words record our life, express our emotion, entertain us, hurt us and tell the Truth. just think of how many words you come across each and every day. thousands upon thousand of words cross your line of sight or enter your ear to send some sort of message. but, what does that message really mean in the long run?

do you really want to buy another 89 cent taco at taco bell? do you care about the discounted auto at Cars USA? are you going to absorb every detail about health care reform? did you catch every phrase from the most recent episode of Lost? no, in reality, you probably didn't. it's just a fact. but, does it really matter?

jimmy needham is one of my favorite artist. if you haven't listened to him, then you should get on it. go to the iTunes store and buy some of his music - you won't regret it. but, in his one song, "come around", jimmy has this great line -- "passionate words & beautiful phrases: they don't mean much if i don't have Jesus in it."

and there lies the real Truth. you can say or read or hear all the words in the world, but when you look back at them, it amounts to nothing. it doesn't matter how eloquent you can communicate. it doesn't matter if you can stand on your head and deliver a speech. those passionate words & beautiful phrases don't mean anything if you don't have Jesus in them.

so, it's my new motto. as a PR student and soon-to-be professional, i write words and communicate all the time. but when it all boils down, none of matters if He isn't in the center of it.

"the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are Life." - john 6:63b

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

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