Thursday, August 27, 2009

the Rock that is higher than i

"From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." - Psalm 61:2
Mountains and valley surround us - spiritually, emotionally, physically and literally. THey are a constant presence within our loves. Many times we fight the changes in altitude. We struggle against the terrain. We try and find a shortcut around them, only to have to turn back and begin again.

As humans, we want an easy life. A wide, smooth & flat road would seem to suit us well. It's easy. It's predictable. There is no doubt, no questions, not need to lift a finger, no need to consult a map or pay much attention. But are we happy with that? Would that truly satisfy you?
Of course not! There is no life, no excitement, no challenge, no sense of accomplishment. we live for thrills and memories. We live for life and vibrance. We can't find that on the easy road.

This summer, I took a drive. At the suggestion of a close friend, I headed to the top of a nearby mountain in North Carolina. Not knowing what I would find, I headed in the general direction. Reaching the base of the mountain, I began the climb (by car, of course...). A the bas, it was dark. The sky was hidden because of a canopy of trees. The road was steep and filled with twists and turns. No real sense of direction was to be found, except up. I only knew that I was climbing higher and higher. I had to trust that the road would lead me to the top.

Once I reached the parking lot, I got out and again followed another path. This time it was much less traveled and somewhat hidden. But then, all of the sudden, I stepped out onto a huge rock and looked out. My breath was stolen away by God's great creation reaching into the endless horizon. What a view! What a God!!
And then I looked below my feet - a rock. A huge, solid and unmovable rock held me safely so that I could stand and take in God's majesty. It wasn't going anywhere, yet I was everywhere.
Isn't that just like our walk with Christ? When we are at the bottom of the mountain, we can't see anything. It's dark and daunting. All we know to do is to start walking up toward Him. The path to the mountain top is always crazy. It's full of trials and setback. Doors are shut, then opened and then shut again. Switchbacks are everywhere. But then the trees begin to thin. The sun - or should I say Son - begins to shine through everything. The path levels off. We step out of the trials and tribulations and look out. In front of us lies God's majesty. The big picture that we have been searching for unfolds in front of our eyes. We see how beautiful the valley is because of the great growth that occurred. We praise God for creating and molding that growth in us through the long climb to the top.
And then we look below our feet. We see the great and mighty Rock that has been holding us strong the entire time. We see our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. We see how He has been our firm foundation that allows us to stand on the mountaintop and declare God's goodness and faithfulness.

He is always the Rock that is higher than I.

"I love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my Rock, my Fortress and my Deliverer; my God is my Rock, in whom I take my refuge." - Psalm 18:1-2
my love to you in Christ Jesus,

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