Monday, March 9, 2009

time to step it up

hmm... blogging. so i have been thinking.

i know i am supposed to write. and of course, write for Jesus. but, here is the problem. i am not sure just how to do that.

so, while i was riding around my hometown today on spring break with the windows down and radio blaring, i decided that i should do this daily.

not really sure how, or even what is going to be said. but i do know this. it will be about Jesus, because, if anything, He is evident every single day. praise be to God.

so here goes nothing. woot! we'll start tomorrow and see what happens!

"wind blows wherever it pleases. you hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. so is it with everyone born of the Spirit." - john 3:8

my love to you in Christ Jesus,

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